IBA M&A in Latin America Conference - Santiago, Chile

Celebrating M&A at the foot of the Andes

From March 20–22 2019, Santiago (Chile) hosted the International Bar Association (IBA) Mergers and Acquisitions in Latin America Conference, gathering over 850 attendees from 35 countries, setting a record for the conference thus far.

In honor of the conference, Leaders League and its partners hosted a private cocktail reception on March 20th at the Margó, an upscale bistro-style restaurant located in Las Condes, which gathered over 300 lawyers, in-house counsels, investment bankers, CEOs, CFOs and more.

Albagli Zaliasnik
Albagli Zaliasnik
Beccar Varela
Beccar Varela
Claro & Cia
Claro & Cia
FK Economics
FK Economics
Moreno Baldivieso
Moreno Baldivieso
Rubio Leguia Normand
Rubio Leguia Normand
TPC Group
TPC Group
Tyndall Group
Tyndall Group
UNE Asesores Financieros
UNE Asesores Financieros